Poem – she & he

with gentle, but firm hands she opens him

her essence entering his soul

she accepts this man with feminine perfection

her soul, which he alone has touched, consumes and guides him

she answers all of his questions, even those he has not aired

she completes him


he has been reborn as a man inside her womanly chrysalis

she has been reborn as a woman enveloped in his masculine cocoon

their union is their first absolute truth

their love beyond definition

their desire to be near each other, their first true emotion felt

their surrender is complete

they have found ecstasy in each others’ eyes

she is beginning the process of giving herself to him 

he is beginning to shelter her in the shroud of his perfect love

as they slowly fuse into one, their souls dance and rejoice

their bodies cannot stand to be parted

their love has never been, nor will it ever be, equaled


he loves her

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