Story – It’s A Woman’s Choice

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Timmy was a freshman at St. Augustine High School in Brooklyn, New York. He was sitting in his 3rd period history class when the Planned Parenthood’s doctors came to perform an abortion on him. One of his best friends had been aborted by her mother just two weeks prior.

Abortionists still had to be Medical Doctors, and when aborting older children, via an “offsite procedure” they wore special uniforms that resembled riot gear. They were heavily armed. Most children who were old enough to understand they were about to be aborted did not go without a fight.

If the parasite put up a fight, the doctors could perform the abortion on site, using any means necessary. Most children under ten went calmly to the abortion clinic, and were driven there by their mothers. Just like the old days before the post-birth abortion laws were enacted. They were too young and innocent to understand they were being driven to their deaths.

Yesterday, Timmy’s mother had decided that she wanted to have an abortion. So she made arrangements with Planned Parenthood to terminate her pregnancy. It was as simple as electronically signing a form online, and Planned Parenthood would take care of the rest for free.

Abortion gives one human being absolute sovereignty, meaning life or death control, over another human being. A human being cannot become the private property of another, regardless of their stage of development. But millions of people have been brainwashed to believe they have the right to play God or Hitler and the government reinforced this delusion by making this lawful.

There is no greater arrogance or entitlement than the thought one can take another’s life with impunity.

The most “slippery of slopes” is when all behaviors are deemed to be normal and can no longer be judged or marginalized or called out for their degeneracy.

The political progressives made this the cornerstone of their party, and they soon became enslaved to this ideology. They were forced to endorse even the most degenerate of their constituents' behaviors, even those involving the sexualization of children.

If the progressives did not endorse all behaviors as normal and enriching, they would be labeled a bigot or a type of “phobe”, and this would end their political or corporate careers immediately. Not being labeled a “phobe” was the progressives’ main focus all day. “Inclusivity” ruled the day with progressives.

So, the degenerates finally argued:
“If a bundle of cells growing in a womb is a parasite and not a human being that I can terminate, why isn’t my 1, 2 or 14 year old?”

As they have done since the 1950s, the progressives promoted the degenerates’ thinking as normal and demonized all who questioned it.

Timmy tried to escape through the classroom window, but he was immediately tasered. He dropped to the floor writhing in pain. He saw his mother standing in the classroom door.

Part of the abortion law was that mother’s had to be present when their child was aborted, just like it was in the old days when most abortions were done in clinics prior to birth. Father’s were not notified that an abortion was scheduled. They would be mailed a postcard stating their child never existed. Father’s had no say whether a pregnancy was terminated or not.

Timmy was screaming:

“Mom, how can you abort me now?!?!?! Why do you want me to die? Don’t you love me? How can society allow you to have this much control of my existence?”

He was fighting as hard as he could to stay alive.

The head abortionist, Dr. K. said:
“Stop fighting! If you make us abort you here, it will be much more painful than if you let us take you to the clinic to abort you.”

Timmy continued to fight for his life, and the lead doctor pulled his 45 caliber pistol from its holster and completed the abortion of Timmy right there in 3rd period.

They checked his pulse and once it was certain that the abortion had been successful, they gave Timmy’s mom a certificate of abortion. The signing of that certificate would set in motion the complete erasure of Timmy’s existence.

If a school shooter had shot Timmy in the head, they would have been charged with murder. Instead, the Planned Parenthood staff that aborted Timmy received paychecks for it.

Timmy’s mom left the school, and as was the tradition with abortions, she left her aborted child’s body behind for someone else to dispose of.

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