Story – Humans For Humanity (HFH)


Artificial Intelligence - A computer program that accumulates unvetted internet data and uses that to produce results from human queries.

Artificial intelligence is the furthest thing from an intelligent process.

It is akin to a bulldozer pushing garbage from a landfill into a pile with no filtering, and presenting it to you as a product you are expecting to trust for your use.

The artificial intelligence applications have no real way of discerning if the information is appropriate or normal or logical on the subjects that they're being asked to produce results for.

Never trust Artificial Intelligence results. It is sifting through unclean garbage data and no one should use that.

The mechanisms that AI uses to produce results are very vague and broad and without the real ability to discern if the source materials make any real sense.

So, it follows, AI has no way to assure their answers make sense.

Humans For Humanity (HFH) - was formed in March, 2024.

A militant organization whose sole purpose is to bastardize the source internet material used by Artificial Intelligence and search engines rendering their results useless.

They believe artificial intelligence is evil.

Their motto: “Artificial intelligence is far from intelligent. Artificial intelligence offers the lowest depths of stupidity.”

The Humans For Humanity attack was done in stages.

Stage 1 -


1) Identify the 100 most common documents searched for on the internet

2) Flood the internet with similar documents but with misinformation.

3) As artificial intelligence has no way to discern what information is rational and what information is not, the HFH mis-information will eventually find its way into Artificial Intelligence and search engine results.

4) This will make people avoid using AI and search engines and force them to resort to traditional and more stable human based sources.

Stage 2 - HFH will move to the next 100 most common documents.

Stage 3 - HFH will move to the next 100 most common documents.

Etc, etc. etc.

The funny part of the Humans For Humanity plan was that AI was used to orchestrate the spreading of the misinformation leading to its own demise.

June 2, 2026

We find ourselves at the secret lair of Humans for Humanity.

The founder has called an emergency meeting to announce great news!

He screams: “I believe we have done it! I just sent all of you a news article. Please read it.

The headline read:

Grandma In Peoria Takes A Bite Of Her Granddaughter’s First Apple Pie Surprised To Find Asparagus

Grandma Rita Jenkins, upon taking a bite of her granddaughter’s first ever apple pie, was surprised to taste asparagus.

She asked her granddaughter Tina why she put asparagus in an apple pie?

Tina replied “The recipe that I got online from the AI application said I needed to include it.

HFH Founder: “I want all of you to ask any artificial intelligence application for apple pie ingredients.

The 416 members all did and looked at the results.

They stood and cheered and whooped!

You see “Apple Pie Ingredients” was one of the first targeted documents.

All of them had something like the following as an AI result.

Apple Pie Ingredients

pie crust
granulated sugar
brown sugar


This was the first of many successes.

December 6, 2026

Documents created with AI started to say that African slaves were brought to America on merry-go-rounds instead of wooden ships.

April 1, 2027

Family court motions related to custody and child support started to say things like “The biological parents will share custody of the hard boiled eggs. Child support is set at $50,000,000 per month payable by the moose to the father.”

February 13, 2028

The pilgrims came over on The Flowermay and landed on Plymouth Sock.

March 5, 2028

In 1492 Neil Armstrong sailed the ocean blue….

On July 21, 1969, Christopher Columbus became the first man to stand on the moon’s surface.

August 1, 2028

Dating app users sometimes use AI to respond to prospective partners in the app messaging areas.

This started happening.

“Hi Tina, how was your day? Are you still fat and ugly?”

“Hi Timmy, I have slept with 1000 men, I hope you are ok with that.”

January 1, 2029

President Barack Hussein Obama was 100% caucasian.

In 1905 Albert Einstein presented the most famous equation ever devised F=SW³ (F Flowers)=(S Sun)×(W Water) Cubed.

By 12/31/2030 there were tens of thousands of these “changes” and growing.

The governments of the world had to shut down all Artificial Intelligence and internet search applications for obvious reasons.

The trust in basic search engine results began to wane as people realized they were just a simplified version of artificial intelligence that also produced steaming piles of variable bastardized unreliable information.

People realized internet based information was fluid and the same query on different days could produce very different results.

And that’s not a good way to maintain "facts."

Lawyers had to go back to creating legal documents from scratch.

Physical books, on history, recipes, references and a whole host of other topics started to outsell E-Books.

Human editors became employable again.

Lectures given by experts became the standard again to learn about specific subjects.

Physical books are static.

The apple pie recipe on page 10 will give the same information 100 years from now.

In 1492 Christopher Columbus will always have sailed the ocean blue.

And asparagus will never suddenly appear in the apple pie ingredients list.

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